Kinda Good Tableware and Vase Collections on a Pink Gradient Background

About Us

After a decade working in the home goods market we decided we wanted to offer something different. To work with designers and manufacturers from all over the world and offer items that are relevant now and age gracefully. Items with humor and substance. We wanted to offer something honest. 

Kinda Good is the result of that effort. We have drawn on our experience to source, design, and select the items we offer. 

We live with each one of the items we sell before offering them to you. This allows us to verify their functionality and quality. But most importantly, by living with each one of them we know that they have made our homes more special, and we know they will do the same for you.

Some of the items we offer are made by other designers or companies. We love these designs and are excited to share them with you. 

The items we are most proud of are the ones we have had designed and made ourselves. These Kinda Good Originals are exclusive to our brand. They are made to balance quality and affordability, always offering a forward looking aesthetic.

We rely on manufacturers, vendors, and suppliers all over the world to be able to offer what we have in our store. We aim to work with companies that not only value their employees and the environment, but act on those values. Environmental and ethical considerations are a crucial part of our vendor selection process. We aim to make our analysis more robust and even more central to our selection process in the future.